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Mischievous duo cover friend's car in sticky notes to "cheer him up"

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Two mischievous friends today decided to cheer their friend up with a colourful new coat for his car. Care support workers Jamie-marie Curnow, 27, and Kayleigh Lock, 27, from Barnstaple, decided to use sticky notes to provide an interesting new colour scheme for a friend's car.

"He's had a bit of a rough time of it at work recently so we decided to cheer him up," said Jamie-marie.

"We normally mess with his phone, putting pictures of ourselves as his background but we wanted to go a bit further today.

"We just kind of came up with it, we pass his car everyday and today we just thought 'let's cover it with Post-It Notes'."

The masterpiece in Barnstaple town centre took around two hours to create. DevonLive asked Jamie-marie and Kayleigh what their friend, who would like to remain nameless, thought of his car's new look.

"He doesn't expect anything less from us now," said Kayleigh. "He was laughing and made us a cup of tea after so he must have seen the funny side. We're already thinking about the next prank!"


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